Rural Grit is dedicated to the promotion, performance, and preservation of roots music
and strives to provide opportunities for like-minded individuals to further their artistic causes.

Rural Grit Happy Hour

Every Monday
6 - 9 pm
@ The Brick
1727 McGee
Kansas City, MO

RGHH Schedule

March 2 Singer/Songwriter Night
Rural Rex
Tony Ladesich
Mark Smeltzer
Patrick Frazier

6:00-6:50 Prebetweens (Rural Grit Regulars/walkins)
6:50-7:10 Mark Smeltzer
7:10-7:15 Inbetween (Rural Grit Regulars/walkins)
7:15-7:35 Rural Rex
7:35-7:40 Inbetween (Rural Grit Regulars/walkins)
7:40-8:00 Patrick Frazier
8:00-8:05 Inbetween (Rural Grit Regulars/walkins)
8:05-8:25 Tony Ladesich
8:25-8:30 Inbetween (Rural Grit Regulars/walkins)
8:30-9:00 All 4 Artists on Stage playing together
--1 songs from each artist

March 9 The Banjo Ghost and The Rural Grit All-Stars

March 16 Duets & Trios
Artists that choose to participate place their name in the hat. Duos are drawn; everyone goes off to their corners to practice something; after 5 minutes the musicians are called back to the stage and the performances begin. This crazy cycle repeats itself through out the night--building to a crazy jubilee at the end of the evening. It's always fun to see who's picked together. A great way for novices to cut some chops and for pros to relearn theirs.

March 23 No Show--
The Brick is on Spring Break

March 30 Electric Freakout--
6:30 Betse Ellis--Ablum Release Party
7:00 Dangerhand
7:30 EIO
8:00 Afterparty

April 6 Howard Iceberg & The Titanics

April 13 Singer/Songwriter Night
Amy Farrand, Kasey Rausch, Cheri Woods
and _____________

6:00-6:50 Prebetweens (Rural Grit Regulars/walkins)
6:50-7:10 Artist
7:10-7:15 Inbetween (Rural Grit Regulars/walkins)
7:15-7:35 Artist
7:35-7:40 Inbetween (Rural Grit Regulars/walkins)
7:40-8:00 Artist
8:00-8:05 Inbetween (Rural Grit Regulars/walkins)
8:05-8:25 Artist
8:25-8:30 Inbetween (Rural Grit Regulars/walkins)
8:30-9:00 All 4 Artists on Stage playing together
--1 songs from each artist

April 20 Duets & Trios
Artists that choose to participate place their name in the hat. Duos are drawn; everyone goes off to their corners to practice something; after 5 minutes the musicians are called back to the stage and the performances begin. This crazy cycle repeats itself through out the night--building to a crazy jubilee at the end of the evening. It's always fun to see who's picked together. A great way for novices to cut some chops and for pros to relearn theirs.

April 27 Jason Beers Clawhammer Banjo and Saw CD Release
David Regnier

May 4 ______________

May 11 ______________

May 18 Duets & Trios

May 25 No Show--Memorial Day